Sunday March 5, 2023
There will be breaks including refreshments to provide networking time for Tutorial attendees.
Please note: attendance at the tutorial will be limited. Please sign-up early to not miss out!
1:00 to 3:00 pm

Gert Hohenwarter
GateWave Northern, Inc.
The mm Waves vs. Test Sockets tutorial will cover aspects of test socket design and implementation for millimeter wave applications. It will first look at basic millimeter wave propagation and examine the drivers and motivation for using such high frequencies. It will then identify some of the impact on socket vendors by examining design fundamentals.
Among those are pitch, material selections, PCB routing, parasitics and lateral features configuration.Furthermore, requirements for socket design simulations will be detailed. Finally, performance verification requirements for measurements will be addressed as will be an outlook for future developments in these areas.
3:00 pm
Networking Break
3:30 to 5:30 pm

Thecla Chomicz
Testing large analog subsystems within even larger digital SoCs requires an integrated approach from system definition day one. This presentation will identify how to align the overall test strategy to various expectations of test across disciplines and test environments.
These expectations include testing for manufacturing anomalies, validating against industry specifications and the ability to debug issues. Once the various test expectations are defined, the analog sub-system is analyzed to expose critical components needed for test access during probe, stress testing, final test, bench testing, failure analysis and in-application observation. Lastly, a method that allows for quick turn test development targeting a number of different environments including simulation, production test and bench top testing will be discussed.
5:30 p
Welcome Reception
If this is your twenty-fourth time attending TestConX, only your first, or somewhere in-between you will feel welcomed at the opening reception by friends old and new.
6:30 p
The first of many excellent meals awaits as you get to network with other industry professionals. This is a great time to catch up with old colleagues or start meeting new friends.
8:30 p
Program subject to change without notice.