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BiTS is the world's premier workshop dedicated to providing a forum for the latest information about burn-in and test socketing, and related fields.
At BiTS you'll find a comprehensive technical program, exhibits of the latest products and services, and many opportunities to meet, network and explore ideas with other test and burn-in socketing professionals.

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The papers in this publication comprise the proceedings of the 2002 BiTS Workshop. They reflect the authors’ opinions and are reproduced as presented , without change. Their inclusion in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the BiTS Workshop, the sponsors, BiTS Workshop LLC, or the authors.

There is NO copyright protection claimed by this publication or the authors. However, each presentation is the work of the authors and their respective companies: as such, it is strongly suggested that any use reflect proper acknowledgement to the appropriate source. Any questions regarding the use of any materials presented should be directed to the author/s or their companies.

All photographs on this page are copyrighted by BiTS Workshop LLC. The BiTS logo and ‘Burn-in & Test Socket Workshop’ are trademarks of BiTS Workshop LLC.


The third annual Burn-in and Test Socket (BiTS) workshop was sponsored by the Test Technology Technical Council of the IEEE Computer Society. BiTS is the only IEEE sponsored workshop dedicated to providing a forum for the latest information about the socket industry.

Technical Program

23 presentations and two guest speaker presentations, covering a range of important socketing topics, were delivered by suppliers and users. The presentations were organized into 8 sessions: two sessions on Monday, 4 on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday. At registration, attendees received the Proceedings, which contained all of the presentations..

BiTS 2002 Expo (Supplier Displays)

BiTS again this year hosted Supplier Displays. 32 suppliers displayed their products during breaks in the technical program.

Click HERE for a list of exhibitors.

BiTS 2002 Attendees

BiTS 2002 brought over 198 participants from around the world representing end users and suppliers of sockets, boards, burn-in systems, handlers, packages and other related equipment, materials and services.

BiTS 2002 Organizing Committee

John O'Sullivan (Johnstech), Paul Boyce (Motorola-ret.), Rafiq Hussain (AMD), Fred Taber (IBM), Maddie Harwood (IEEE), Bill Mann (SW Test Workshop), Clay Carpenter (Intel), John Ambrosini (Enplas-Tesco), Valts Treibergs (ECT), Owen Prillaman (Yamaichi). Not pictured: Wray Johnson (Texas Instruments), Dale Gleason (Agilent)


BiTS 2002 Press

  • ChipScale Review May - June 2002         Best Paper at BiTS Conference
  • THE FINAL TEST REPORT - Vol. 13. No. 04  May 2002                  BiTS Workshop From: Bill Mann (IEEE)

The third annual Burn-In and Test Sockets workshop was held in Mesa, AZ on March 3 to 6, 2002. This Test Technology Technical Council sponsored workshop brought together 190 test professionals for the two and a half day program.

General Chair, Fred Taber, IBM Microelectronics, and his committee arranged 23 presentations in eight sessions: Socket Design Investigations, Managing High Frequency, Thermal Management Methods, Burn-In Methodology, Modeling and Characterization, Burn-In Systems, Burn-In Board Design, and New Products.

Alan K. Allan, Invited Speaker from Intel, presented appropriate portions of The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.

Steven Strauss, also from Intel, gave a very provocative Keynote Address, Tooling: The Other ‘Capital’ Equipment.



Welcome to BiTS

Fred Taber, IBM, BiTS General Chairman's Opening and Closing Remarks

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Sunday, March 3, 2002

8:00PM –  Invited Speaker

"The International Technology Roadmap For Semiconductors (ITRS) - Guidance for Global Technology and Manufacturing R&D Resources in the New Millenium "

Alan K. Allan, Staff Engineer
Intel Corporation

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Monday, March 4, 2002

8:30AM – Socket Design Investigations

This opening session deals with investigations into several issues facing the socket engineer. You'll hear about recent work on contact material and reducing socket cost through design simplification.

  • "Effect Of High Temperature Heating On Music Wire Spring Performance"

    Jiachun (Frank) Zhou, January Kister, Alberto M. Campos
    Kulicke & Soffa Interconnect, Inc.
  • "Low Cost Burn-in Socket Design For Area Array Package (BGA)"
    Ichiro Fujishiro
    Yamaichi Electronics, USA Inc.
  • "Force and Resistance Probing Automation for Contactors"
    Valts Treibergs,  Jason Mroczkowski
    Everett Charles Technologies

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10:30AM – Managing High Frequency Requirements

Socketing higher frequency devices, often in high volume, presents a host of challenging electrical and mechanical requirements to the socket/contactor engineer. This session's presenters share innovative work on designing, modeling and characterizing sockets/contactors for devices operating into the GHz frequencies.

  • "Optimizing Load Board Design And Modeling For High Frequency Contactors"

    Jeff Sherry
    Johnstech International Corporation

  • "The New YieldPro Array Series Contactor"

    Julius Botka
    Agilent Technologies
  • "Electrical And Mechanical Performance Characterization Of High Frequency Test Sockets"
    Lisa Steckley, Dr. Hanyi Ding
    IBM Microelectronics

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Tuesday, March 5, 2002

8:00AM – Thermal Management Methods

Controlling the temperature of today's higher power devices during test and burn-in operations has led to thermal management features becoming an integral feature in sockets. Learn about some procedures, methods & techniques to control device temperature.

  • "Thermal Modeling Of Burn-in System"
    Liu Baomin
    Advanced Micro Devices
  • "Burn-in System And Driver Board Technology Advances"
    Mike Niederhofer,  Bruce Simikowski
    Incal Technology, Inc.

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10:30AM – Burn-in Methodology

Trends in device complexity & circuit count, accelerating test & burn-in costs and advanced packaging are driving innovative approaches to the back-end-of-line processes. This session's presenters provide insight into alternative burn-in methodologies to deal with these trends.

  • "Alternatives For Burning In Bare Die"
    Steve Steps
    Aehr Test Systems
  • "Strip Burn-in For Fine Pitch Semiconductor Devices"
    Hon Lee Kon, Hongfei Yan
    Intel Corporation
  • "High Performance Burn-in In Low Cost Environment"
    Tamas Kerekes -   ELES Semiconductor Equipment
    Giampiero Trupia - STMicroelectronics

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1:00PM –Modeling, Analysis, and Characterization

The session on the topics of Modeling, Analysis and Characterization has always been a hit at BiTS, and this year should be no exception. This four paper session discusses RF electrical measurements & modeling, contact force measurements and the relationship of contact resistance to insertions.

  • "Electrical Modeling And Contactor Performance In A RF System"
    Jim Adley,  Eric Leung,  Jeff Sherry
    Johnstech International Corporation
  • "Leaded 2mm Contactors: Measuring And Modeling To 10 GHz"
    Tom Strouth,  Orlando Bell,  Gary Otonari,  Eric Bogatin - GigaTest Labs
    Jeff Sherry - Johnstech International Corporation
  • "Force Measurement On Sockets And Contactors"
    Richard Block,  Rafiq Hussain
    Advanced Micro Devices

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4:00PM – Burn-in Systems

Today's burn-in systems are required to handle devices with higher power and a range of sizes (often small), provide active thermal management, integrate with the socket's thermal management features and be cost effective. Several burn-in system approaches to address these needs will be discussed.

  • "A Large Capacity And High Performance Burn-in And Test System For High Power Dissipating Components"
    Dr. Jerry Tustaniwskyj, Dr. James Babcock, Jim V. Rhodes
    Unisys Corporation
  • "Burn-in Oven With Chilled Water Heat Exchanger"
    Chyi Feng Leow
    Trio-Tech International
  • "The Challenges In Fine Pitch Burn-in Tooling"
    Hwan Ming Wang, Anthony Wong Yeh Ching
    Intel Corporation

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8:00PM – Keynote Speaker

"Tooling: The other ‘capital’ equipment"
Steven B. Strauss
ITTO Manager
Intel Corporation

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Wednesday, March 6, 2002

8:00AM – Burn-in Board Design

Another popular topic at BiTS. This year's session spaned a spectrum of burn-in board design topics, including contact pad plating considerations, optimizing and simulating decoupling and a discussion of the options for over-current protection.

  • "Burn-in Board Over-current Protection – What Are The Options?"
    KW Low,  Zamel Jaafar
    Intel Corporation
  • "Protecting Conductor Pads On Burn-in Boards From Oxidation And Corrosion"
    Alfred Sugarman, Al Loranger
    Loranger International Corporation
  • "Power Decoupling Optimizer – A Systematic Frequency Domain Approach To BiB Noise Decoupling Simulation"

    Isaac Chang
    Intel Corporation

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10:30AM – New Products

Learn about some new socket products. The three papers in this session discuss a variety of challenges socket engineers face and offer unique solutions. We'' all watch closely to see if a candidate emerges for the 3rd annual "Almost Brilliant Disguise" award.

  • "Kelvin Contacting Solutions For Leadless Device Types"
    Gerhard Gschwendtberger
    Multitest Elektronische Systeme GmbH
  • "Interconnecting At 40 GHz and Beyond"
    Roger Weiss
    Paricon Technologies Corporation
  • "Electro-chemical Cleaning Process"
    Erik Orwoll
    Nu Signal LLC

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Original Sponsoring Organization



Page last modified 12/23/09

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