TestConX EXPO Agreement

EXPO Agreement for TestConX 2025

March 2-5, 2025


  • Submit fully filled-in EXPO Registration Application with payment to the TestConX Office (see Application Form for submission information).
    • TestConX 2024 Exhibitors have priority for the limited booth space -this priority expires at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on September 1, 2024. This priority applies to the booth size/quantity occupied at the TestConX 2024 EXPO.
      • TestConX 2024 Exhibitors: though we are unable to guarantee your same booth location at TestConX 2025 EXPO, unless you indicate otherwise TestConX typically tries to place you in the same booth location year-to-year. However due to space and layout limitations, any change in booth size/quantity increases the likelihood of a change in your booth location.
  • Notification by the TestConX Office whether EXPO Registration Application is accepted. Notification will be sent within 10 days if you exhibited at TestConX 2024; otherwise it will be by October 1, 2024 or within 10 days if EXPO Registration Application is submitted after September 1, 2024.
    • At Notification, accepted applications will receive:
        • Registration Confirmation/Receipt
        • Instructions for submitting online Exhibitor Badge information
        • Request for exhibiting company's Proof of Insurance or acceptance of liability

      NOTE: Exhibitors must submit Proof of Insurance or acceptance of liability before February 15, 2025 to the TestConX Office

    • Subsequently (on or about February 1, 2025, accepted EXPO applicants will receive an Exhibitor Kit which will include:
      • Ordering information/instructions and pricing for optional items:
        • additional electric service (beyond the complimentary standard outlet)
        • telephone and internet utilities
        • additional decorating
      • Shipping, storage, installation and dismantling instructions and pricing
    • Notification by the TestConX Office of EXPO applicant's Booth location(s). Notification will be given on or about February 1, 2025.
    • Exhibitors pick up their badge(s) and other registration material at the TestConX on-site registration desk.


The EXPO registration fee is $2680 per 8 foot booth (maximum is two 8-foot booths - limited availability); $3190 per 10 foot booth (maximum is two 10-foot booths - limited availability). The registration fee must be submitted with this application; it is fully refundable if application is not accepted. Payment is to be by credit card or by check drawn on a U.S. bank; purchase orders cannot be accepted.

Note: TestConX may be able to accommodate one 8-foot booth plus one 10-foot booth; please contact the TestConX Office to discuss availability, location options, and pricing.


Once this application is accepted there are no refunds for cancellations by the exhibitor. Your registration fee will be fully refunded if there is a cancellation or postponement by TestConX other than in cases of Force Majeure.


      • Pipe and Draped Booth Space for the selected size booth(s). All booths are 6 feet deep, with draped and skirted table, 2 chairs, ID sign with company name and a wastebasket
      • Standard electrical outlet (110V power strip)
      • Exhibitor badge for each of your two exhibit staff (*). Additional badges may be purchased for $650 each in advance or $800 on-site.
      • Exhibit staff (*) invited to all meals and social events throughout the entire TestConX workshop.
      • Company name listing on the TestConX Website's EXPO page (for a period of time before and after TestConX 2025), with a link to your homepage
      • Company name listed in the TestConX 2025 Proceedings (distributed to every full conference attendee)
      • Company name, color logo, brief description and key contact information listed in the TestConX 2025 Workshop Guide & Directory of Exhibitors (distributed to all registered TestConX participants)
      • Approximately 6 total hours of exhibit time across 2 days (Monday March 3, 2025 and Tuesday March 4, 2025). Exact scheduled times will be determined no later than January 5, 2025.
      • Priority for same size/quantity booth space at TestConX 2026 EXPO

(*)These Exhibit Staff badges permit the badge holder to participate in the EXPO, attend all social events including the TestConX Social Event (Tuesday evening after the EXPO closes), and all meals throughout the entire TestConX workshop. There is an additional, separate registration fee to attend the TestConX Workshop's technical program.

Employees and agents of companies exhibiting and/or sponsoring need to register as either Professional (Full Conference) or Exhibitor Staff. These registration types provide the greatest opportunity to network and meet with the attendees at all meals and social event(s) during TestConX. Companies with four or more paid Exhibitor Staff registrations, may register additional employees or agents for EXPO Only. However, the EXPO Only registrations do not provide access to more than the TestConX EXPO. EXPO Only registration does not include the technical conference, social event(s), or meals beyond the food served at the TestConX EXPO.

Additional decorating items, upgraded electrical service and telephone & internet utilities are optional and incur an additional charge; drayage charges are extra. The Exhibitor Kit containing detailed information will be sent to registered exhibitors.

NOTE: Deliverables (e.g. company logo, information for the Exhibitor Directory, staff names for badges, etc.) and their due dates will be communicated to you by the TestConX Office after acceptance of your TestConX EXPO Application.


TestConX 2025 Exhibitors will be listed in the TestConX 2025 Proceedings* (distributed during the TestConX 2025 workshop to all full conference attendees) and the TestConX 2025 Exhibitor Directory (distributed during the TestConX 2025 workshop to all registered TestConX 2025 participants) and exhibitor company names will be posted to the TestConX website (for a period of time before and after TestConX 2025). NOTE: Submit Exhibitor Directory Information when requested by the TestConX Office.

* may be in a hardcopy or an electronic version; or both

Due to printing deadlines, registration applications must be received by January 5, 2025 to be listed as noted above.

TestConX Sponsorship & Advertising opportunities are available to increase extend your reach beyond your exhibit booth. Information on Sponsorship & Advertising opportunities, including available packages and pricing, is sent to each registered exhibitor and is posted to the TestConX website (sponsor information page).


    • All exhibit booths will be located in the Atrium plus the Ocotillo and/or the Palo Verde Ballrooms. The general layout of the exhibit booths will be posted to the TestConX website (www.testconx.org).
    • The exhibit areas are NOT secured during non-exhibit times. Typically the Ocotillo and Palo Verde doors are locked, however the Atrium remains open. Please do not leave valuable items in your booth. Special security needs are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
    • Booth locations are selected at the discretion of TestConX. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request for non-adjacent exhibiting companies. The TestConX Office will notify the exhibitors of their booth location on or about February 1, 2025.
    • The number of exhibit booths is projected to be approximately 60 to 70. Booths will be allocated on a first come - first served basis, after priority is given to TestConX 2024 exhibitors (applies to the booth size/quantity occupied at the TestConX 2024 EXPO). This priority expires on September 1, 2024.
    • Booth space: all booths are 6 feet deep; booth width is determined by the size and number of booths selected (tabletop displays). Freestanding backdrops are allowed - the maximum dimensions for booth backdrops are 8' high and with a width determined by the size and number of booths selected: the width of the backdrop must be no wider than the booth width. All Booths will have pipe & drape, a draped and skirted table, 2 chairs, an ID sign with company name and a wastebasket. Exhibitors are not permitted to move or remove the booth partitions without the approval of the EXPO coordinator.
      • Exhibitors may select from four booth options:

      • One 8 foot wide booth
      • Two 8 foot wide booths (a 16 foot wide booth)
      • One 10 foot wide booth
      • Two 10 foot wide booths (a 20 foot wide booth)

      Note: TestConX may be able to accommodate one 8-foot booth plus one 10-foot booth; please contact the TestConX Office to discuss availability, location options and pricing.

    • Exhibitors are permitted to have additional (and appropriate) booth lighting. Note: there is a separate charge for additional electric service (beyond the complimentary standard outlet).
    • Booth locations are determined at the discretion of TestConX. Sponsorship level and Seniority (frequency / continuity of exhibiting at TestConX) will be a basis for determining booth location. Subsequent changes require the General Chair's approval.


  1. MODIFICATIONS The TestConX reserves the right to make modifications to the EXPO plans and guidelines as deemed necessary by TestConX to enable and or assure the effective operation of the EXPO. TestConX will advise exhibitors promptly of modifications.
  2. QUALIFICATIONS Companies exhibiting must be manufacturers or representatives of manufacturers that produce products and services, which conform to the subject matter covered within the scope of the TestConX workshop or are used in relevant ancillary work (such as trade magazines or books, software houses, etc.) TestConX reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any product or service to exhibit. Only the registered company may exhibit at the booth; booths may not be shared with another company.
  3. SHIPPING, INSTALLATION, AND DISMANTLING You will be provided with Shipping, Installation and Dismantling information/instructions (within the Exhibitor Kit) on or before February 1, 2025. The exhibiting company is responsible for all shipping, drayage, set-up, storage and utilities costs.Exhibit equipment and materials are to be forwarded to the designated drayage company in accordance with the specific information within the Shipping, Storage, Installation and Dismantling instructions. Do not ship directly to the hotel.Exhibits may be set-up beginning on Sunday March 2, 2025. See the Shipping, Storage, Installation and Dismantling Instructions for specific set-up guidelines and the set-up schedule (to be provided on or about February 1, 2025 within the Exhibitor Kit).The packing of merchandise and dismantling of exhibits shall not start until the specific date and time specified in the Shipping, Storage, Installation and Dismantling Instructions.
  4. SAFETY The exhibiting firm agrees that the first priority of all personnel in the booth shall be the safety of those attending the EXPO during, before or after the EXPO hours. Fire regulations require all display material used for decoration to be flameproof. Any or all electrical equipment used in conjunction with the exhibit's installation, operation and dismantling shall be in good operable condition and able to pass the inspection of the local Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau. An excessive amount of materials stored around or behind the exhibit is prohibited. Materials, which are stored in these areas, shall not block access to the exhibit, or necessary areas of maintenance, or cover electrical wires or outlets.
  5. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY The exhibiting firm, its agents, employees, contractors, representatives or guests assume and agree to indemnify, protect, save and hold harmless TestConX, TestConX volunteers, the hotel, and their agents, employees, contractors or representatives from and against all losses, damages, injuries, claims, demands and expenses of any kind and nature arising due to the exhibiting firm's negligence or the negligence of its agents, employees, contractors, representatives or guests during participation in the exposition or during the installation or dismantle period. The exhibiting firm agrees to pay promptly for any and all damage to the hotel incurred through negligence, intentional acts or otherwise, of the exhibiting firm, its employees or agents. If the exhibiting firm's material or personnel fail to arrive, the exhibiting firm is nevertheless responsible for its space rental.
  6. INSURANCE All property of the exhibiting firm is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to and from or within the hotel. Neither TestConX 2025 nor TestConX maintains insurance covering exhibiting firm's property.

    The exhibiting company will provide the TestConX Office with Proof of Insurance or acceptance of liability by February 15, 2025.

  7. FORCE MAJEURE There may be “Force Majeure” situations such as but not limited to acts of God (flood, earthquake, tornado, fire, disease, epidemic, etc.), war, strikes, civil disorder, terrorism, government restrictions, supply shortages, and transportation disruptions that make it inadvisable, impracticable, illegal, or impossible to hold the event as scheduled. Since these situations are beyond the control of TestConX and our suppliers we will do our best to adapt to the situation and return the highest value possible to the exhibitors. In the case the event needs to be postponed or cancelled due to Force Majeure, the TestConX EXPO registrations will be transferred to equivalent booth(s) at the next edition of the event held within thirteen months of the original event date. If this is not possible, TestConX will work with each exhibitor to offer the largest possible refund or credit.
  8. LAWS APPLICABLE This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona.
  9. DEFAULT If this contract is violated, exhibiting firms will not be permitted to set up their exhibits, or will be subject to eviction without refund.


For TestConX 2025 EXPO Registration information or general questions, please contact:

  • TestConX OFFICE
    +1 650-690-2395
    [javascript protected email address]
    Owen Prillaman 
    +1 770-424-6165 
    [javascript protected email address]