Virtual Event November 21 - 23, 2023
TestConX has, over the course of its twenty-four-year history, established itself as the preeminent event for test consumables, test cell integration, and test operations. The program scope has expanded over these years from packaged semiconductor “final” test and burn-in to encompass all practical aspects of electronics testing including validation, advanced packaging testing, system level test, module test, and beyond to finished product test.
Last year, the 8th annual TestConX China 2022 was held as a virtual live on-line event with excellent presentations and question and answer sessions.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of TestConX as we connect a larger community of test professionals and to participate in this excellent event!
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November 21, 2023 - 0900 to 1130 Shanghai/CST“人工智能彻底改变半导体测试”
Abstract - Biography (English)
The project involves using AI Techniques including NLP to extract the key information/solution from the IPS ticketing cases and convert into FAQs for quick reference. Most IPS tickets contain lengthy and some unconstructive conversation between the engineer and the customer. Previously, engineers had to review the whole conversation and find out the solution. After that, they need to manually create the Q&A for future reference. With this solution, Q&A for each ticket will be created automatically as per scheduled time after the ticket was closed for the customer to enquire. Therefore, this will save time and manual effort of the engineers. This project provides full automation process starting from fetching the ticket information from the IPS website until converting the ticket information into Q&A. With the use of API, we can feed the Q&A into any solutions that can display the Q&A search results e.g., QIRI and Avaamo chatbot.
Panchami Phadke is a Market Research Analyst at TechInsights. Her primary focus is Test Connectivity Systems reports such as Probe Card, Sockets and Device Interface Boards. Part of her work focuses on the market analysis of semiconductor tests both in Memory and Non-memory markets.
She graduated from California State University, Channel Islands with a Master of Science majoring in Mathematics. She also has an MBA in Finance from Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. She has published a Master Thesis about using Markov Chain and Python to analyze and predict the Stock Market trend. Panchami has also published many academic papers in Indian Research Journal, SAGE Student Research Conference, etc. and presented at TestConX China 2022, TestConX 2023 at Mesa, Arizona and SW Test 2023 at Carlsbad, CA.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
在半导体测试中,人工智能已从辅助工具演变为核心催化剂,显著提高了测试效率、准确性和速度。包括 DRAM 和闪存在内的内存领域通过有效的缺陷检测和错误预测获得了人工智能驱动测试的回报。同样,逻辑和模拟设备等非内存组件也见证了用于自适应测试和异常检测的人工智能算法的注入,从而减少了生产瓶颈。
Panchami 是 TechInsights 的市场研究分析师。她的主要工作重点是测试连接系统报告,例如探针卡、插座和设备接口板。她的部分工作重点是存储器和非存储器市场的半导体测试的市场分析。
她毕业于海峡群岛加利福尼亚州立大学,获得数学专业理学硕士学位。她还拥有班加罗尔拉迈亚理工学院的金融 MBA 学位。她发表了一篇关于使用马尔可夫链和Python来分析和预测股市趋势的硕士论文。 Panchami还在Indian Research Journal、SAGE Student Research Conference等上发表了多篇学术论文,并在TestConX China 2022、TestConX 2023(亚利桑那州梅萨)和SW Test 2023(加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德)上发表演讲。

Abstract - Biography (English)
This presentation covers a lot of ground and provides a quick update of the important changes happening in the world of burn-in and test sockets.
Topics explored on the market side include acquisitions, market drivers, and the regional shifts that are reshaping the industry. From the technology perspective, the presentation explains how advanced packaging, demanding thermal test conditions, and the introduction of data analytics are adding cost and complexity to semiconductor test.
John West is a Senior Director of the Semiconductor Subsystems and Test Division at Yole Group. He has over 20 years of industry experience and a successful track record in various strategy and consulting projects. John has a Bachelor's degree in Medical Physics from King's College London and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
John West是Yole Group半导体子系统及测试部门的高级总监。

Abstract - Biography (English)
The project involves using AI Techniques including NLP to extract the key information/solution from the IPS ticketing cases and convert into FAQs for quick reference.
Most IPS tickets contain lengthy and some unconstructive conversation between the engineer and the customer. Previously, engineers had to review the whole conversation and find out the solution from the conversation. After that, they have to manually create the Q&A for future reference. With this solution, Q&A for each ticket will be created automatically as per scheduled time after the ticket was closed for the customer to enquire. Therefore, this will save time and manual effort of the engineers.
This project provides full automation process starting from fetching the ticket information from the IPS website until converting the ticket information into Q&A. With the use of API, we can feed the Q&A into any solutions that can display the Q&A search results eg. QIRI and Avaamo chatbot.
Zhe Jin Lee received her BSc Degrees of Computer Science (Data Science) in 2022 from Taylor’s University, Malaysia. She is currently working in Intel Microelectronic, in the Network and Edge Group as a Software Enabling and Optimization Engineer. She has been working on multiple AI projects upon joining Intel and focusing on NLP projects and innovating AI solutions to improve working efficiency.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)

Abstract - Biography (English)
The presentation introduces Schematic AI Extractor and how it assists the reviewer in reviewing and mining the data from schematic file.
A schematic file usually contains lots of interfaces such as audio, display, memory, and so on. For each interface, there are details such as vendor, part number, voltage, technology type, and so on to be extracted. The Schematic AI Extractor can reduce some of the manual labor from the reviewer.
The Schematic AI Extractor provides automatic extraction along with AI to interpret the extracted data of the components. Next, the details will filter using a similarity checking character by character with a threshold value method and a master list that contains details of the components. Once everything is passed, will be exported to a custom Excel sheet used by the reviewer.
Siang Hui graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering Electronics Majoring in Computer and joined Intel last year October as a Graduate Trainee (GT) Engineer under Cloud Based Remote Debug (CBRD) department stationed in Penang, Malaysia. Have been involved with an AI project upon joining Intel. For example, the Schematic AI Extractor collaborated with the internal reviewer to implement AI in reviewing and mining the data from schematic file to reduce the manual labor. Outside work, he loves sports and outdoor activities with friends and family members such as badminton and hiking.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
本演示介绍了原理图 AI 提取器以及它如何帮助审阅者查看和挖掘原理图文件中的数据。
原理图文件通常包含许多接口,例如音频、显示器、内存等。对于每个接口,都有要提取的详细信息,例如供应商、部件号、电压、技术类型等。原理图 AI 提取器可以减少审阅者的一些体力劳动。
原理图 AI 提取器提供自动提取和 AI 来解释组件的提取数据。接下来,详细信息将使用具有阈值方法的逐个字符的相似性检查和包含组件详细信息的主列表进行筛选。所有内容通过后,将导出到审阅者使用的自定义 Excel 工作表。
祥惠 毕业于工程电子学学士学位,主修计算机,并于去年 10 月加入英特尔,担任驻马来西亚槟城基于云的远程调试 (CBRD) 部门的实习生 (GT) 工程师。加入英特尔后曾参与人工智能项目。例如,原理图AI提取器与内部审查员合作,实施AI来审查和挖掘原理图文件中的数据,以减少人工劳动。工作之余,他喜欢与朋友和家人一起运动和户外活动,如羽毛球和徒步旅行。

November 22, 2023 - 0900 to 1130 Shanghai/CST“汽车电子芯上创新的测试方案设计以及在量产中的实践”
Abstract - Biography (English)
The automotive and AI HPC market are going through a revolution. With the growth, challenges come for ATE supplier to meet the high voltage, high current and precision measurement requirements for these semiconductors. ADVANTEST 93K already developed and released different kinds of VI cards, such as, DPS128, AVI64, FVI16 and XPS128/256 to meet test requirements above.
These instruments are both kelvin structure inside which guarantee the accuracy when test. Therefore, it’s necessary to consider highly accurate kelvin when we design load board according to instruments’ specification. This paper will also introduce different kelvin test methods and comparison between.
Meanwhile contact resistance should be absolutely considered during wafer test. Fritting can be an option when contact resistance between probes and wafer can’t be ignored.
Besides, some special or innovative solutions will be designed in the load board and testing application. These innovative solutions have been successfully applied in the customer production projects and gotten a good performance. the paper will explain it from the test theory, test solution design, test program and test results.
Jibao Fan, from Global ADC, senior engineer. Joined Advantest China in 2018. work scope includes test solution design, test program development and consulting in the flied of Automotive and SOC PMIC. Developing test program for the top semiconductor companies around the world all the time from 2018.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
汽车电子市场正经历革命性的变化。随着市场的增长,ATE供应商也面临着测试挑战。ATE供应商必须满足芯片的大电压,大电流和高精度测量的需求。ADVANTEST 93K 已经研发并且发出了不同类型的VI板卡以满足以上的测试需求,比如,DPS128,AVI64,FVI16 和新一代的XPS128/256。
以上VI板卡内部都是kelvin结构以保证测试中的精度。因此,根据板卡的使用说明,当我们在设计Load Board的时候必须考虑高精度的kelvin测试。本文也将介绍不同的kelvin测试的方法并且通过比较给出最优的方案。
除此之外,在Load board设计和测试中,我们也提供了一些创新的方案。这些方案也成功地应用在了客户的量产项目当中并且取得了很好的性能。本文将从测试理论,测试方案设计,测试程序和测试结果去阐述这些方案。
- 不同类型V/I板卡的高精度kelvin测试原理,测试方法以及比较
- Soft kelvin的优势以及当设计Load Board的时候,93K V/I板卡的一些注意事项
- 在晶圆测试中,熔融的方式以满足探针和晶圆的接触阻抗
- 在FVI16未调节模式下,低边电压测量解决了硬件设计中的缺陷
- 实现了32 sites的量产测试方案:在只有2块FVI16板卡(32 channels)的配置下,每个site最多提供1个FVI16 channel, 但面临两个regulator 大于1A电流的测试需求,每个site共有4个芯片引脚需要FVI16 channel的严峻挑战
- FVI16和AVI64的联合使用测量Low site Vds monitor,以满足高精度的参考电压和更大的电压量程
- FVI16 and AVI64 stack/gang 在实践应用中扩大电压/电流以满足测试需求
樊吉宝, 隶属于爱德万测试全球应用开发中心,高级工程师(AE)。2018年加入爱德万测试中国,负责汽车电子芯片,SOC PMIC芯片等ATE测试方案的设计,93K测试程序的开发以及相关的咨询工作,工作期间一直为全球顶尖的半导体公司提供测试程序的开发

Abstract - Biography (English)
Plastronics is now part of Smiths Interconnect. Plastronics had sought to use the T033 H-Pin in plastic as a replacement for elastomeric interconnects due to its 1mm test height. With the Smiths team, access to data on elastomers is available for review. The thought was to perform testing to a T033 interposer and compare the data and see how well the T033 interposer performs in FDR cycle data through long term cycling.
Data is available on two different elastomers we will call elastomer A and elastomer B. We will perform similar testing to The T033 H-Pins so we can do a comparison of FDR data. We are assuming all three sets of data will perform equally well initially, but the elastomeric should show major resistance increases as cycles continue due to elastomeric compression set. The T033 H-Pin interposer should also show increase in resistance as well, but only very slight as compared to the conductive elastomers. If this proves to be true, we will move on to comparing RF data and seeing if the T033 performance in this area is equally as good as the elastomers. RF data would be created by modeling first, then followed up by actual test results. We will get a comparison of how well the models work to real world data. We will also get a comparison of the T033 RF performance to the Elastomers. This paper will initially target the mechanical part of the testing, but we will follow up with the electrical data for a future presentation if all goes as expected.
Frank Liu graduated from Shandong University of Science and Technology in 2001, majoring in Mechanical design and manufacturing. He studied for his MBA in Tongji University in 2018. Frank Liu started working in Smiths Interconnect Suzhou in 2007, and now he is Engineering Manager for Semi test product development.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)

Abstract - Biography (English)
The chip testing probe barrel is the basic structural component of the probe, and its performance directly affects the quality of the probe. Currently, one commonly used probe barrel is PBT, which is a phosphorus bronze barrel, and the other is an electroformed nickel tube barrel. Both types of barrels have their own advantages and disadvantages, but as probes continue to develop towards miniaturization, more and more products require a diameter range of 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters for the inner hole of the barrel. However, both types of probe barrels have shortcomings in this range, especially for barrels with small inner diameters and flange limits on the outer diameter. Due to process difficulties, they cannot meet the design requirements of the probe, which has become a technical bottleneck for the application of the above two types of barrels. This article introduces a new pd alloy material GPAC-800 and a micro probe barrel with flange developed based on this material, providing a new solution for the chip testing probe industry.
Lei "Ray" Cao is President and CEO of Zhejiang Goldlink Tech Co. Mr. Cao graduated from the Mechanical Engineering and Economic Management majors of Northern Jiaotong University, and later stayed on to teach. He founded Beijing Goldlink Company in 1998 and began to engage in the research and development and manufacturing of precision mechanical parts in 2004. Established Zhejiang Goldlink Company in 2017, specializing in the research and manufacturing of semiconductor chip testing probe parts and other micro parts.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
曹镭 浙江金连接科技股份有限公司董事长、总经理

November 23, 2023 - 0900 to 1130 Shanghai/CST“0.35mm 26-47GHz毫米波芯片测试的基板PCB 方案”
Abstract - Biography (English)
Current RF applications, especially for mmWave case, faced challenging the signal performance, PCB design, manufacturing capability and simulation accuracy.
For general non-mmWave RF design, usually routing signal trace on PCB surface layer for below advantage: a. avoids add via in signal path to get better performance; b. lower design Dk and lower propagation delay; c. wider line width and lower loss.
But to mmWave design, application case needs route mmWave signal trace in PCB inner layer with via for below requirement: a. fanout many (example: more than 10ea) concentrated RF signals, even signal pins surrounded by ground pins, make signals can’t fanout on surface layer; b. small device pitch(<=0.35mm) need substrate board to convert device pitch to 1mm or more. So, mmWave design need use substrate board/ PTH via in signal path, it will put forward higher requirements for hardware design.
This presentation introduces some hardware experience on 26~47GHz mmWave signal delivery structure with plated through hole (PTH), it will focus on PTH via and board stack-up structure, trace length balance, fabrication considering and simulation optimization. This presentation uses an substrate and PCB design as an example and introduce some general PCB design methods with PTH for mmWave design.
Lu Liang, graduated from Tongji university in 2017, received master’s degree in engineering, joined Teradyne (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. as a hardware engineer in the same year, and engaged in ATE hardware interface circuit design. Mainly focused on providing ATE hardware test solutions, hardware load board design and signal integrity simulation for customer’s RF devices, successfully designing test circuits for different types of RF devices such as UWB/WIFI7/mmWave and helping customers achieve mass production.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
目前的RF应用面临着信号性能,PCB 设计与制造,和仿真精度的挑战,特别是毫米波应用。 对于一般非毫米波的射频应用,硬件设计上通常由于以下原因把RF 信号线走在PCB表层:a. 避免RF路径上的via以获得更好的性能; b. 更小的设计Dk以获得更低的传输时延; c. 线宽更宽,损耗更小。但是对于毫米波频段的RF设计,由于以下原因需要将信号经由via走在内层: a. 扇出多个集中在一起的RF信号,甚至信号引脚被GND 引脚包围导致不能在PCB 表层扇出; b. device pitch ≤0.35mm, 需要基板将pin pitch转到1mm或者更大以实现性能要求。所以, 毫米波芯片的硬件设计会需要在信号路径上使用基板或PTH via, 这将对硬件设计提出更高的要求。
梁鲁,2017年毕业于同济大学,获得工学硕士学位,同年作为硬件工程师加入泰瑞达(上海)有限公司,从事ATE 硬件接口电路设计至今 。主要专注于为客户RF device 提供ATE 硬件测试方案、硬件实现和信号完整性仿真,成功为UWB/WIFI7/mmWave 等不同类型RF device设计测试电路并帮助客户实现量产。

Abstract - Biography (English)
In high-speed digital PCB, differential pairs are widely used to suppress power noise. The working characteristics of differential mode and common mode can be described and observed in the form of mixed mode S parameters. Among them, for SDD parameter, optimizing the impedance matching can help reduce signal reflection and improve transmission quality. For SCC, SCD, and SDC parameters, theoretically, modal transformation can be suppressed by reducing the asymmetry of the transmission path. The asymmetry of the path may come from the environment of vias, wiring method, placement of serial components in path, inter-pair skew, length match position and tune length.
To explore how to optimize SCD and SDC parameters, a pair of 32Gbps differential loopback signals with RC components in series was selected and a series of simulation experiments are conducted. By changing the above variables, the influence of inter-pair skew and symmetry of differential pairs on transmission quality was studied, and the following conclusions and optimization ideas were obtained:
- 1. The different distribution of ground and power in the environment of PN vias can cause impedance asymmetry. The longer the asymmetric via length, the larger the PN skew. Optimizing the position of GND vias and reducing the length of the asymmetric vias can optimize SCD and SDC parameters.
- 2. The relative position of PN components in the path will affect wiring. Keeping the relative positions of PN vias at different areas in the pathway consistent can reduce the asymmetry of wiring.
- 3. As for wiring, loose coupling routing has wider linewidth and smaller attenuation in long-distance applications. However, in the case of small pitches, using tightly coupling routing can achieve more symmetrical fanout.
- 4. Instantly PN length matching can reduce the influence of inter-pair skew, but in tight coupling routing, it will also cause impedance mismatch of differential pairs. Appropriate position and tune length of length match can reduce impedance mismatch and reduce the impact on SDD parameter.
Howard Shang, from Teradyne, received a bachelor's degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2020. After graduation, he began his career as a hardware design engineer at Teradyne (Shanghai). He has one year’ experience in loadboard design and two years’ experience in signal and power integrity simulation. In the past three years, he has successfully provided hardware solutions for various chips, such as application processors, artificial intelligence chip chips, high-performance computing chips, and so on.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)
为探索如何优化SCD和SDC参数,实验选取了一对中间串联有RC器件的32Gbps 差分信号,并进行了一系列仿真对比。通过改变上述变量,研究了差分对内错位和对称性对信号传输质量的影响,得出以下结论和优化思路:
- 在PN孔的周围环境中,地孔和电源孔分布的不同会造成信号孔的阻抗不对称。不对称孔越长,PN错位越大。优化地孔位置,减少不对称孔孔长可以优化SCD,SDC参数。
- 通路中串联PN元件的相对位置会影响走线,使通路中不同区域PN孔相对位置保持一致可以减少走线的不对称性。

Abstract - Biography (English)
As one important ATE supplier, we will also face some testing challenges like the high parallelism,low cost control, test time and different types automotive devices from the semiconductor manufacturer based on the fixed configuration, which also inevitably bring with higher requests for test solution. As you know, test cost and test time are the key elements for semiconductor manufacturers. Therefore, for better performance we need to consider some special or innovative solutions on the load board in advance, that can help reduce cost and test time by matching with code optimization.
This paper will introduce the solutions from some real cases which have been successfully applied to the customers production projects and gotten a good performance. There will be showed the test principle, hardware connection, test code and test time comparison in the following provided solution.
Kaitao Liu, from Global ADC, senior engineer. Joined Advantest China in 2016, work scope included test solution design for automotive, DTV and sensor chips, test program development and consulting with the top semiconductor companies for a long time.
摘要 - 简介 (Chinese)

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JDT Technology's focus in the vertical field of semiconductor and electronic product testing & precision manufacturing, and dedicate ourselves to be an “Intelligent Automation Integrated Solution Provider”. Our main business includes: Probe materials, ICT / FCT test fixtures, Automated Testing Equipment & Precision Machining.