With microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices in consumer products becoming as common as parades on St. Patrick’s Day, reducing the cost of test is more important than ever. It is no wonder the MEMS test session addresses lowering the cost of MEMS test. John Rychik, Xcerra, describes various approaches to reduce the cost of calibration and test through test cell integration. Vesa Hentonnen, Afore, covers three ways to decrease the cost of test to less than one cent. These are parallelism, shortening the process, and choice of tester. Wendy Chen, KYEC, explains a cost effective test strategy achieved by adding built-in-self test (BIST) and built-in self-calibration (BISC). These design-for-test methods can be applied to MEMS devices by integrating a single CMOS die or through 3D stacked die integration. The session closes with Peter Jones, Freescale, discussing a novel method for performing stress tests on MEMS die-form pressure sensors.
"'Taking MEMS Test and Calibration to the Next Level' - An Integrated Platform Approach Driving Further MEMS Growth“
John Rychcik
Xcerra Corporation
"The Target for Consumer MEMS Testing Should Be Under
1 Cent Level"
Vesa Henttonen
Afore Oy
"MEMS IC Manufacturing Test Cost Effective Strategies"
Wendy Chen & Andrei Berar
"BURst Pressure (BURP) Stress Test for MEMS Pressure Sensors"
Peter Jones & Ray Sessego
Freescale Semiconductor
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