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Poster Session 1
If one was good, two must be better! Poster Sessions that is! We had so many qualified submissions this year, we divided them in to two Poster sessions offering a variety of relevant topics to augment what you'll learn sitting in the Podium sessions.Poster Sessions are a great way to network through interaction with the poster presenters and other curious bystanders, multitask during a break and stretch your legs after a long session.
"One-Piece Stamped and Formed Probe Pin"
Ichiro Fujishiro
Yamaichi Electronics
"Correlation and Measuring Techniques for +/-5% Impedance"
Tom Bresnan
R&D Altanova
“Compliance Grounding - The Mechanical Importance of Grounding”
Shamal Mundiyath
JF Microtechnology Sdn Bhd
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