Burn-in & Test Strategies WorkshopTM


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BiTS is the world's premier workshop dedicated to providing a forum for the latest information about burn-in and test tooling, and related fields. At BiTS you'll find a comprehensive technical program, exhibits of the latest products and services, and many opportunities to meet, network and explore ideas with other test and burn-in strategies professionals.

The 2014 BiTS EXPO once again sold-out in Atrium area. With the high demand, we expanded the EXPO into the adjacent Kachina Ballroom to accomodate additional exhibitors. Everyone enjoyed the special food station and additional bar in Kachina not to mention the extra 'elbow room'.

BiTS 2014
Exhibitor Listing

BiTS2013 Booth Floorplan 

 RED: 10 foot booth    BLACK: 8 foot booth

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BiTS WorkshopTM is a production of BiTS Workshop LLC